Our Activities

LRC primarily focuses on following activities:

1.Research and study

Since its establishment in 1988, LRC has accomplished study and researches on various topics of cultural heritage and Buddhism of Nepal Mandala. Out of more than 40, ‘A study on Bali offering’, ‘Research on Yashodhara Mahavihar Sangha’ , ‘A study on Vasundhara Devi’, ‘A study on the importance of Torana in Buddhist art’, ‘A survey of opinions of Vajracharyas on ritual practices ’, ‘A survey of opinions of lay disciples on ritual practices’ and ‘A study on Viharas of Bhaktapur’ are significant ones.

2.Translation and Publication

Translations :

The ancient Buddhist scriptures that are available are mostly in Sanskrit language which very few can understand. So LRC has formulated a policy of translating Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures into vernacular language and publishing them. LRC has so far translated ten important Buddhist scriptures such as Sadhanamala, Sikshya-samuccaya, and Nispanna-yogavali.

Publication :

Publications of LRC can mainly be divided into following six catagories :

  1. Sanskrit Mahayana scriptures and their translations

    Out of nine famous Mahayana scriptures popularly known as Nava-vaipulya-sutra in the Kathmandu Valley, LRC has translated into Newari and published the following seven :

    • Saddharma-pundarika-sutra
    • Lankavatara-sutra
    • Arya-gandavyuha-sutra
    • Arya-samadhiraja-sutra
    • Arya-guhyasamaja-tantra
    • Arya-dashabhumika-sutra
    • Arya-astasahashrika-prajnaparamita

    With the publication of these seven books, all nine scriptures of Nava-vaipulya-sutras are available now in Nepalbhasa (Newari). Lalitavistara-sutra and Suvarnaprabhasha-sutra has been already translated and published in Newari.

  2. Research works
    • A survey of votive chaityas of Kathmandu
    • A study on Vasundhara Devi.

  3. Conference and Seminar reports
    • Newa Buddhist culture preservation seminar
    • Charyageet in Newa Buddhist culture
    • Guthi in Newa Buddhist culture
    • Loka Baja in Newa Buddhist culture
    • A Conference on Buddhist Heritage of Nepal Mandala

  4. Education for children
    • ‘Life of Lord Buddha’, a comic book in five different volumes.
    • ‘The Lion and The Wolf’ comic based on Jataka story.

  5. Journal ‘Paleswan

    LRC publishes a journal named ‘Paleswan’ which covers research reports, research oriented articles, activities of the centre and news. Up till now the centre has published 24 issues.

3.Conferences And Seminars

LRC has been conducting conferences and seminars on the subject of the cultural heritage of Nepal Mandala at both local as well as international level. Locally, it has conducted about 30 seminars on different aspects of the heritage. It has also organized four international conferences participated by scholars from different countries.

4.The Information Centre

During the third international conference organized by LRC in 1999, a major recommendation was made that LRC should develop an information centre which should be able to provide necessary resources for local people and international scholars on the subject of the cultural heritage of Nepal Mandala. Accordingly, LRC has initiated to build a digital archive of information resources. LRC’s future focus will be to develop and stand as a major information centre in Nepal in the field of cultural heritage by collecting exhaustive information on every possible aspects of the heritage of Nepal Mandala.

5.Preaching & Training programme

LRC has been organizing study based preaching and training programmes. These programmes are intended to attract the attention of youth to encourage them to make study and research about the cultural heritage. LRC also provides Research Methodology trainings every year in different locations of Kathmandu valley to educate the youths on importance and techniques of research.

6.Essay competition

LRC has been conducting essay competition programme as a way of training research methodology since 1989 in auspicious occasion of birth anniversary of Lord Buddha on various topics related to Buddha Dharma. Up till now essay competitions on the perfections of Dana, Sila, Ksanti, Virya, Dhyana, Prajna, Maitri, Karuna, Mudita, Upeksha, Pratitya Samutpad, Bodhicitta, Saptatrimsat Bodhipakshika Dharma and Pancha Buddha and Five Wisdoms have been conducted. The best ones are rewarded with prizes and the essays are published in the LRC journal.

LRC Annual Calendar

Month  Year

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Sanskrit Scriptures


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Paleswan Journal

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